
Gwyn Williams

Lymm High School has a long history as a successful and popular school and it is a real honour to have the opportunity to lead such a special place. I feel very fortunate indeed to be here.

Even the shortest time spent in the school makes it clear that students here are typically very well brought up; they are bright, conscientious and ambitious. They enjoy their time at school and contribute hugely to the warm and positive atmosphere about the place. It is also immediately apparent that staff choose to work here for all the right reasons; they care about the young people they serve and work hard on their behalf. In particular, they give up many hours of their own time to facilitate a remarkable range of trips and extra-curricular activities, utilising the fantastic grounds and facilities that we are blessed with.

We don’t have a complicated view of what makes a great school and aim to keep things simple. The focus is on maintaining a calm and orderly environment, delivering the highest academic standards and encouraging every student to fulfil their potential in whichever other areas their talents and interests may lie.

Most importantly, as a parent myself, I recognise the huge responsibility that schools have to provide for the young people in our care and will do all that I can to make sure that every single student at Lymm High School continues to be loved and cherished as an individual.

Gwyn Williams

Here is a list of our past and present headteachers. 

R Taylor1592
Mr Richardson16561666
Mr Flitgraft16661667
J. Tollet1673
T. Martindale16771679
J. Lymm1682
R. Baxter17001706
T. Spencer17061753
S. Harrison17551763
W. Hatton17631814
Joseph Millican18141853
Jonathan Millican18601864
J. Young18641865
C. Ward18661877
W. Heslop18851889
J. E. Evans18891906
C. Willson19061914
W. B. Hawkins19141934
J.R. Canney19341962
Mr G.W. Crowther19621987
Mr D.A. Watkins19871992
Mr S.M. Slater19921997
Mr P. Birchall19971998
Mr R. Lounds19982009
Ms A. Walsh20092013
Mr T. Kapur20132015
Mr G. Williams2015...........

Here is a list of our past and present headteachers. Can you fill in any of the gaps? Please let us know.

  From To
R. Taylor 1592  
Mr Richardson 1656 1666
Mr Flitgraft 1666 1667
J. Tollet 1673  
T. Martindale 1677 1679
J. Lymm 1682  
R. Baxter 1700 1706
T. Spencer 1706 1753
S. Harrison 1755 1763
W. Hatton 1763 1814
Joseph Millican 1814 1853
Jonathan Millican 1860 1864
J. Young 1864 1865
C. Ward 1866 1877
W. Heslop 1885 1889
J.E. Evans 1889 1906
C. Willson 1906 1914
W.B. Hawkins 1914 1934
J.R. Canney 1934  1962
Mr A. Crowther  1962  
G. Williams 2015