Class of 2024

The ultimate send-off: go-karts, fire eaters, and tears!

Well, where do I even start? Thursday, 27th June, is a day that will forever be etched in my memory.

The day started with a bang at our incredible assembly. I’m so glad you all enjoyed the return of the Little Miss and Mr. Men awards – we couldn’t skip those in our final year, could we? From our highly successful ‘confiscated goods’ art exhibition (who knew confiscated items could look so artistic?) to the hilarious staff videos, and then ending with my emotional breakdown on stage – how embarrassing! It was the assembly to end all assemblies.

And then came Prom. Wow. Just wow. You all looked stunning! It was great to see that after four years of my constant badgering, you boys finally learned how to tuck your shirts in. Funny how you managed that for prom but never during school, huh? You all looked incredibly stylish – even Alfie Thompson with those ‘glasses’…

But it wasn’t just your outfits that were impressive – you arrived in style, too. I could not believe my eyes when I saw two go-karts pull up. For a moment, I thought I was in a live-action Mario Kart race! I was half-expecting someone to throw a banana peel on the dance floor.

The evening itself was spectacular. From the delicious food that had everyone going back for seconds – seriously, I think some of you had thirds – to the hilarious and heartfelt awards, every moment was a hit. We even crowned King Duncan and Queen Mia, who wore their titles with pride and a dash of royal flair, and let’s not forget the fire eaters (seriously, whose idea was that?). You were all awestruck, and I had my fingers crossed the whole time!

While I spent most of the night making sure everyone had eaten (because you know I can’t help but worry) and switching between my heels and slippers to keep my sanity, I did take a moment to reflect. As I watched you dance and laugh, memories of your early days at school flooded back. I remembered your awkward first days, the struggles, the triumphs, and the growth. Now, here you were, on the brink of new adventures, and it was truly a sight to behold. I was genuinely sad to see the night come to an end, knowing that this chapter of your lives was closing. It felt like a beautiful, bittersweet finale to a journey we’ve all shared, and while I’ll miss seeing you every day, I’m excited for all that lies ahead for you.

Forever and always,

The Year 11 Prom took place at Walton Park Gardens.

Photos courtesy of Andrew Collier Photography